Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP)
Reliable elimination of trace substances and active pharmaceutical ingredients
Reliable elimination of trace substances and active pharmaceutical ingredients
Industrial wastewater, especially the type produced by the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, often contains problematic substances that must be eliminated before discharge into the public sewerage system or directly into the environment. Environmentally friendly and compliant discharge can be ensured through the use of our Envochem® AOP plants.
The combination of UV light and water peroxide or the use of ozone lead to the formation of highly reactive radicals that can oxidise complex molecules or active substances. This results in a reduction in toxicity, improvement of biodegradability and minimisation of external disposal costs.
Our experts in AOP processes determine the best and most reliable treatment method for your task in preliminary tests, and then come up with the appropriate plant solution. Our EnviModul modular plant concepts, which are set up separately and can be easily expanded, have a proven track record.
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