RIVM relies on EnviroDTS wastewater disinfection

The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands, or RIVM, has placed its trust in a thermal disinfection system from EnviroDTS for wastewater treatment as part of an extensive new building project in Utrecht. As some of the wastewater from the laboratories is infectious, it needs to be safely and reliably inactivated before it can be fed into the sewer system.

The wealth of specialist expertise and technical knowledge at EnviroChemie and EnviroDTS, as well as the positive experiences of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin with the plant technology, was the key factor that led to the awarding of the contract.

The large thermal sterilisation plant treats all wastewater (approx. 12 m³ daily) from the S3 and S4 areas of the institute, while the scope of supply also includes wastewater pipes that can be chemically inactivated.

EnviroChemie’s local branch is providing RIVM with on-site support as a contact partner and is accompanying the installation of the plant. Alongside the thermal disinfection plant, RIVM has also commissioned EnviroChemie to install a decay system for the decontamination of low-level radioactive wastewater.

EnviroChemie and EnviroDTS are part of the EnviroWater Group, a network of specialist companies with expertise in solutions for the various tasks in sustainable water treatment processes.


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