Платформата за дигитални услуги улеснява експлоатацията на станцията

Платформата за дигитални услуги WaterExpert подпомага компаниите да управляват по-ефективно своята технология за вода.

Whether in terms of saving resources, complying with limit values or acting sustainably, companies are facing significant challenges when it comes to water usage. With its WaterExpert digital service platform, EnviroChemie is helping companies manage their water technology more efficiently. Using this, wastewater treatment plants can now be monitored 24/7.

The digital service platform provides all responsible employees with an overview at all times. Wherever they are located, they can use a smartphone, tablet or desktop PC to monitor live performance data, as well as all the processes in their wastewater treatment plant.

The platform contains numerous intelligent service functions which companies can choose and combine individually in line with their needs. These functions can be used to manage plants, digitalise regular plant inspection tours or to plan inspections and maintenance.

WaterExpert is primarily a knowledge database which can be filled with data, such as photos, videos, reports and documentation in addition to all measurement data. One particularly practical aspect is being able to access plant component documentation via a QR code.

Information on plant optimisation methods in real time

The combination of environmental compatibility and profitability is particularly important to a German ceramics manufacturer. The company wants to use energy and raw materials more efficiently and already recycles the rinsing water it uses in the production cycle.

WaterExpert helps the manufacturer manage and optimise the wastewater treatment plant. In addition, it facilitates fast communication between the wastewater plant and production by providing plant data in real time, thereby delivering important insights. By doing so, the system continuously measures the amount of solids in the wastewater plant, for example: if limit values are exceeded here, this may indicate an issue in the production process. An alarm is

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