EnviroChemie wins the dairy technology prize 2018
During the Anuga FoodTec trade fair in Cologne, EnviroChemie will be presented with the dairy technology prize 2018 in the environment & sustainability category.
The dairy technology prize sponsored by the scientific journals “molkerei-industrie” and “IDM International Dairy Magazine” and by the “Verein der Ahlemer Ingenerieure” association acknowledges the successful introduction of technical innovations in the dairy and food industry.
EnviroChemie has won this year’s award in the environment & sustainability category for its concept for optimising water technology, which allows savings to be made in terms of resources, energy and operating costs.
The water specialists from Rossdorf presented their concept to the jury using a large dairy as an example. Dairies use water for many different stages in the production process. There are often potential savings to be made here in terms of resources and energy. To achieve this, however, an integral view is required, since the processes used in dairies, which have often grown over the years, are highly complex. For its customers in the food industry, EnviroChemie develops water technology concepts that take all partial production flows into account: fresh and process water, vapour condensates, permeates, cooling water, rinsing water, wastewater, sludge and liquid waste recycling. The customers are then shown where water can be recycled and/or reused or whether energy can be obtained, e.g. from the wastewater or from liquid waste or sludge. When EnviroChemie takes over the operation management of water treatment plants, water experts from the fields of process engineering, chemicals and electrical engineering implement a continuous improvement process (CIP), in which they permanently optimise the plant technology and the use of operating equipment.
The dairy technology prize will be presented on 21 March 2018 in Cologne during Anuga FoodTec.