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The hackathon for digital solutions for the process industry
Продължи четенетоThe Swiss EnviroChemie AG takes over the LUGAN division of Aquasant Messtechnik AG, a leading Swiss manufacturer of measuring and control devices
Продължи четенетоEnvirochemie integrates expert knowledge into plant control system to support operators with recommendations for optimal plant operation.
Продължи четенетоBiofuel from straw – EnviroChemie builds modular wastewater treatment plant for Clariant’s sunliquid® cellulosic ethanol plant in Romania
Продължи четенетоThe AD facility will convert organic process waste to site biomethane, helps to reduce water usage and improves the sites carbon footprint
Продължи четенетоWe also recognise the value of water in our projects for the water treatment, water recycling and reuse of water.
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